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- API and API Design: How gRPC APIs Work?
API and API Design: How gRPC APIs Work?
We will discuss one API style called gRPC, we will look at how gRPC works and the different components of gRPC.

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Before we get started, I have a few announcements:
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Writer RAG tool: build production-ready RAG apps in minutes
RAG in just a few lines of code? We’ve launched a predefined RAG tool on our developer platform, making it easy to bring your data into a Knowledge Graph and interact with it with AI. With a single API call, writer LLMs will intelligently call the RAG tool to chat with your data.
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Now, back to the business of today.
In my previous series, I explored everything you need to know and learn about API and API Designs: Different API Styles.
Today, we will discuss one API style called gRPC, we will look at how gRPC works and the different components of gRPC.
This comes from my Backend Engineering Hub under the API and API Design section. However, I’m only transferring the knowledge here and breaking it down in this series one topic at a time.
How Does gRPC Work?
In the realm of modern distributed systems, gRPC has emerged as a high-performance framework for building efficient and scalable APIs. Developed by Google, gRPC (short for gRPC Remote Procedure Call) builds on HTTP/2 and Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) to deliver low-latency communication, strong typing, and cross-platform interoperability.
We’ll dive into the inner workings of gRPC, explaining its components, benefits, and real-world applications.
What Is gRPC?
gRPC is an open-source, high-performance framework that enables seamless communication between client and server applications. Unlike REST, which revolves around resources and HTTP verbs, gRPC uses a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) model, allowing clients to invoke methods on a remote server as if they were local function calls.
Key features of gRPC include:
Efficient Serialization with Protocol Buffers.
Full-Duplex Streaming using HTTP/2.
Multi-language Support, enabling polyglot microservices.
Bidirectional Communication, making it ideal for real-time applications.
How Does gRPC Work?
To understand how gRPC works, let’s break it down into its core components and processes:
Install Required Packages
Before we start, install the necessary dependencies:
npm init -y
npm install @grpc/grpc-js @grpc/proto-loader
Defining the Service
At the heart of gRPC is the service definition, written in Protocol Buffers (Protobuf). Protobuf is a language-neutral and platform-independent mechanism for serializing structured data, enabling high-speed communication. The service definition specifies:
The methods available.
The request and response data types.
Here’s an example of a Protobuf definition for a simple user service:
syntax = "proto3";
service UserService {
// Unary RPC
rpc GetUser (UserRequest) returns (UserResponse);
// Server-streaming RPC
rpc ListUsers (EmptyRequest) returns (stream UserResponse);
message UserRequest {
int32 id = 1;
message UserResponse {
int32 id = 1;
string name = 2;
string email = 3;
message EmptyRequest {}
Implement the gRPC Server
Create a file named server.js
const grpc = require('@grpc/grpc-js');
const protoLoader = require('@grpc/proto-loader');
const PROTO_PATH = './user.proto';
// Load the Protobuf file
const packageDefinition = protoLoader.loadSync(PROTO_PATH, {
keepCase: true,
longs: String,
enums: String,
defaults: true,
oneofs: true,
const userProto = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(packageDefinition).UserService;
// Sample user data
const users = {
1: { id: 1, name: 'Alice', email: '[email protected]' },
2: { id: 2, name: 'Bob', email: '[email protected]' },
// Implement the GetUser RPC
function getUser(call, callback) {
const user = users[call.request.id];
if (user) {
callback(null, user);
} else {
code: grpc.status.NOT_FOUND,
details: 'User not found',
// Implement the ListUsers RPC
function listUsers(call) {
Object.values(users).forEach((user) => call.write(user));
// Start the gRPC server
function main() {
const server = new grpc.Server();
server.addService(userProto.service, { GetUser: getUser, ListUsers: listUsers });
server.bindAsync('', grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure(), () => {
console.log('Server running at');
Implement the gRPC Client
Create a file named client.js
const grpc = require('@grpc/grpc-js');
const protoLoader = require('@grpc/proto-loader');
const PROTO_PATH = './user.proto';
// Load the Protobuf file
const packageDefinition = protoLoader.loadSync(PROTO_PATH, {
keepCase: true,
longs: String,
enums: String,
defaults: true,
oneofs: true,
const userProto = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(packageDefinition).UserService;
function main() {
const client = new userProto('localhost:50051', grpc.credentials.createInsecure());
// Unary RPC: GetUser
client.GetUser({ id: 1 }, (error, response) => {
if (!error) {
console.log('User:', response);
} else {
console.error('Error:', error.message);
// Server-streaming RPC: ListUsers
const call = client.ListUsers({});
call.on('data', (user) => {
console.log('User:', user);
call.on('end', () => {
console.log('Finished receiving user list.');
Explanation of the Code
Here I will try to explain the code above here.
Implements the
method for retrieving a single user by ID.Implements the
method for streaming all users.
Uses the
method to fetch a single user.Uses the
method to stream multiple users.
Protocol Buffers:
Defines the service and message structure in a compact and efficient format.
Automatically generates bindings for the server and client.
Enables efficient communication between the client and server.
Key Benefits of gRPC
High Performance: Protobuf serialization and HTTP/2 reduce payload size and latency, making gRPC faster than REST.
Strong Typing: Protobuf enforces strict typing, reducing runtime errors and improving data validation.
Cross-Language Interoperability: gRPC supports multiple languages, enabling seamless integration across diverse systems.
Streaming Capabilities: Full-duplex streaming makes gRPC ideal for real-time applications.
Code Generation: Automatic generation of client and server code accelerates development.
Real-World Applications of gRPC
Microservices Communication: gRPC excels in internal communication between microservices, where performance and efficiency are critical.
Mobile and IoT Applications: gRPC’s compact payloads and HTTP/2 support make it ideal for devices with limited bandwidth.
Real-Time Systems: Use cases like live chat, video streaming, and financial trading benefit from gRPC’s streaming capabilities.
gRPC revolutionizes how applications communicate by combining the power of Protocol Buffers, HTTP/2, and a robust RPC model. Its ability to handle diverse communication patterns, deliver high performance, and integrate across languages makes it a top choice for modern API design.
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See you on Next Week.
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