Part 5: Proxy and Flyweight Design Patterns (GoF)

We will explore the Proxy and Flyweight Design Patterns under the Structural Design Patterns.

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Now, back to the business of today.

In this series, I will explore Design Patterns, their types, the GoF design patterns, drawbacks, and benefits for backend engineers.

This comes from my new Vue.js book on “Vue Design Patterns”. However, I’m only transferring the knowledge to backend engineers in this series.

Today, we will explore the Proxy and Flyweight Design Patterns under the Structural Design Patterns.

Let’s get started quickly.

What is a Proxy Pattern

The proxy pattern provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. For instance, managing access to an object that is expensive to instantiate.

It allows for additional functionality when accessing an object, such as controlling access, managing resources, lazy loading, logging, or even modifying requests or responses.

The Proxy Pattern is especially helpful when working with expensive objects to create or manage, or when you need to add behavior before or after interactions with the original object.

Here’s a code snippet:

class RealService {
    performAction() {
        console.log("Action performed by the real service.");

First, we created a service called RealService, the service that is used to perform expensive actions.

However, we need a way to enforce some security or protect sensitive resources without touching the real service. That’s where the Proxy Pattern comes in.

class AuthProxy {
    constructor(user, service) {
        this.user = user;
        this.service = service;

    performAction() {
        if (this.user.hasAccess) {
        } else {
            console.log("Access denied: You do not have permission to perform this action.");

Next, we created an AuthProxy service which will allow us to enforce security or permission rules before allowing access to the original object. Also, we can use it to protect sensitive resources from unauthorized access without changing the underlying service.

// Client code
const user = { name: "John", hasAccess: false };
const realService = new RealService();
const proxy = new AuthProxy(user, realService);


Above, shows how to utilize the AuthProxy and the RealService class in your code. Here, we instantiate both classes and pass in the instance of the RealService as part of the parameter to the AuthProxy class.

Loading an Image with Proxy Pattern

Here’s another example of loading an image. If you are working with a system that loads large images, you might want to delay the actual loading of the image until it’s needed (e.g., when the image is displayed on the screen).

class RealImage {
    constructor(filename) {
        this.filename = filename;

    loadImage() {
        console.log(`Loading image from file: ${this.filename}`);

    display() {
        console.log(`Displaying image: ${this.filename}`);

The code snippet above creates an image class with two methods to load and display images respectively.

class ImageProxy {
    constructor(filename) {
        this.filename = filename;
        this.realImage = null;

    display() {
        if (!this.realImage) {
            this.realImage = new RealImage(this.filename);  // Load image only when needed

Next, we created a Proxy pattern to help us display an image only when it is needed and only when the real image is loaded.

// Client code
const image = new ImageProxy("large-image.png");
image.display();  // Image loaded and displayed only when display() is called

The code snippet above shows how to use the Proxy Pattern in our code above.

Here is how the Proxy Pattern is useful:

  • Access control: The Proxy Pattern can restrict or manage access to sensitive resources, making it ideal for authentication, security, and permission management.

  • Lazy loading: It can delay the creation of expensive objects until they're needed, improving performance and resource efficiency.

  • Logging and monitoring: A proxy can transparently log or monitor method calls, enabling auditing or debugging without changing the original object.

  • Remote access: It can facilitate interaction with remote services or objects, abstracting the communication details from the client.

  • Resource management: Proxies can control resource usage, such as managing connection pools or limiting access to shared resources.

  • Placeholder for expensive objects: The Proxy Pattern provides a lightweight substitute for expensive objects, delaying their creation until necessary.

Overall, the Proxy Pattern provides a flexible and efficient way to manage access to resources, optimize performance, and add additional functionality to objects without changing their underlying implementation.

What is a Flyweight Pattern

The Flyweight Pattern is useful because it helps reduce memory consumption and improve performance by sharing common parts of objects across multiple instances.

It is especially beneficial when dealing with large numbers of similar objects that share common data.

The Flyweight Pattern ensures that memory usage is optimized by avoiding the creation of duplicate data and instead reusing shared states across different instances.

Let’s look at an example:

A text editor might contain millions of characters with different fonts, styles, and sizes. By using the Flyweight Pattern, the editor can share common glyphs and styles across characters, reducing memory usage.

class FontStyle {
    constructor(font, size, color) {
        this.font = font;
        this.size = size;
        this.color = color;

In the code snippet above, we created a FontStyle class to house all the properties related to fonts.

class FontFactory {
    constructor() {
        this.styles = {};

    getFontStyle(font, size, color) {
        const key = `${font}-${size}-${color}`;
        if (!this.styles[key]) {
            this.styles[key] = new FontStyle(font, size, color);
        return this.styles[key];

Next, we created a FontFactory class that allows the text editor to scale by sharing font styles across multiple characters.

// Client code
const factory = new FontFactory();

const style1 = factory.getFontStyle('Arial', 12, 'Black');
const style2 = factory.getFontStyle('Arial', 12, 'Black');  // Reused

console.log(style1 === style2);  // true (shared object)

The last code snippet shows how to use the Flyweight Pattern in our client code.

Here is how the Flyweight Pattern is useful:

The Flyweight Pattern is highly beneficial in scenarios where you need to manage a large number of similar objects efficiently. The main benefits include:

  • Memory optimization: It reduces memory consumption by sharing common parts of objects, minimizing duplication.

  • Performance improvement: It improves performance by reducing the number of objects in memory and reusing existing instances.

  • Efficient management of large-scale systems: The pattern makes it easier to handle systems with millions of objects, such as in 3D rendering, text processing, or large datasets.

  • Clear separation of state: It allows for the separation of shared (intrinsic) and unique (extrinsic) states, making the system easier to manage and optimize.

  • Supports caching and reuse: The Flyweight Pattern promotes caching of shared objects, reducing the need to create new instances repeatedly.

Overall, the Flyweight Pattern is a powerful tool for optimizing memory usage and improving the scalability of systems that deal with large numbers of similar objects.

That will be all for today. I like to keep this newsletter short.

Today, I discussed the Proxy and Flyweight Patterns, you learned how to implement them, their similarities, and when to use which.

Next week, I will start exploring the Facade, Bridge, and Decorator Design Patterns.

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See you on Next Week.

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