"Backend Weekly" in 6 months

In this issue, I listed all the articles we have covered in Backend Weekly within the past 6 months.

Hello “👋”

Welcome to another week, another opportunity to become a Great Backend Engineer.

Today’s issue is brought to you by Masteringbackend → A great resource for backend engineers. We offer next-level backend engineering training and exclusive resources.

I have a special announcement for you: You will love this one.

Finally, I’m starting my Advanced Backend Bootcamp 2.0. Since I launched the first one, I have been preparing for this with my team for over a year.

This bootcamp is different. It’s a 4-6 month in-depth backend engineering Bootcamp diving deep into backend engineering and building real-world backend projects.

Not to say much, because I’m fully prepared to turn you into a great backend engineer.

Click here for all the information you need.

Introducing GBE Podcast

I am introducing my new podcast, The “Great Backend Engineer (GBE)”.

To finish the database discussion, I invited Raul Junco to my Podcast to discuss the importance of databases to backend engineers.

Listen to the Podcast.

Now, back to the business of today.

Consistency is key.

Since starting this newsletter in the past six months, I have consistently sent you a newsletter every week, exploring different concepts in backend engineering.

This week marks the end of the first 6 months of this year, and I wanted to recap everything we’ve learned.

If you have learned anything from this newsletter. Now will be a good time to share your feedback. Reply to mail or comment.

For our newest subscribers, this is the time to catch up on all the great backend engineering content you missed.

Here are all the articles—I have written in the past 6 months. You can quickly jump into the one that interests you.

  1. CAP Theorem in System Design: I will explain the CAP Theorem in System Design in this episode. You will learn everything you need about consistency, availability, and other trade-offs, such as CP systems, CA systems, and AP systems.

  2. Understanding Database Indexing: In this episode, I will explain Database Indexing, its types, indexing architectures, drawbacks, and benefits.

  3. Understanding Database Sharding: I will explain Database Sharding, how it works, sharding architectures, benefits, and alternatives to database sharding

  4. Understanding Database Replication: In this episode, I will explain Database Replication, how it works, and the types, advantages, and disadvantages of database replication.

  5. ACID Compliance in Relational Databases: I will discuss Database ACID compliance and explore why it’s important in databases, especially relational databases. We will elucidate the following topics:

  6. Part 8: Understanding System Design - Databases: In this episode, I will explore the next system design component, databases.

  7. Part 7: Understanding System Design - Caching Eviction Policies: In this episode, I will explore the Distributed Caching component more deeply and explore different caching eviction policies and caching layers.

  8. Part 6: Understanding System Design - Caching Strategies: In this episode, I will explore the Distributed Caching component more deeply and explore different caching strategies, caching eviction policies, and caching layers. 

  9. Part 5: Understanding System Design - Distributed Caching: You will learn everything you need about distributed caching, its Benefits, what caching is, Caching strategies, Caching eviction policies, and caching layers.

  10. Part 4: Understanding System Design - Load Balancers: You will learn about load balancers, their Benefits, Load Balancing Algorithms, Load balancing Balancers vs. Reverse Proxy, and more.

  11. Part 3: Understanding System Design - Proxies: Understanding the importance of Proxies in System Design

  12. Understanding System Design - Part 2: In this episode, I elucidate the 3 main system design performance metrics

  13. Understanding System Design: I will focus on understanding System Design. In addition, I have a little story to share about a System Design interview that propelled me to start learning System Designs.

  14. How Docker Works: Almost everyone here has worked with Docker in some way, but only a few know how It works internally.

  15. JavaScript for Backend Engineering: In this issue, I will explore JavaScript for Backend Engineers and detail the different topics you need to know before you move on to Node.js.

  16. How Node.js Works: Learn how Node.js works behind the scenes. Node.js is a powerful runtime environment built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.

  17. Basic Terminal Commands for Backend Engineers: I'll discuss some basic commands a backend engineer needs to know.

  18. Setting up NGINX as a Web Server: NGINX is broad and can be used for different things, including as a web server, load balancer, or reverse proxy. Learn how to set it up as a web server.

  19. Exploring NGiNX for Backend Engineering: In this issue. We learn NGINX and everything you need to know about NGINX as a backend engineer. Exploring NGINX and its importance in building scalable backend systems.

  20. Web Servers in Backend Engineering: Next, I explored Web Servers and went deeper to explain their importance in Backend engineering. Learn the intricacies of web servers in backend engineering.

  21. Operating System: Operating systems are of great importance to a backend engineer. That's why I started exploring backend engineering with operating systems. As a backend engineer, I covered the most important concepts to learn in operating systems.

  22. Becoming a Great Backend Engineer: In this issue, I explain what becoming a great backend engineer means and who A Great Backend Engineer is.

  23. What is Backend Engineering? I explored everything you need to know about backend engineering and its meaning in this issue. However, more than 90% of people always get the meaning wrong.

  24. Introducing the Newsletter and everything it stands for: In this issue, I explored all the backend engineering topics that will be covered this year.

Did you learn any new things from this newsletter this week? Please reply to this email and let me know. Feedback like this encourages me to keep going.

See you on Next Week.

Remember to join the Advanced Backend Bootcamp 2.0, which will start soon. You can reply to this email with any questions or concerns.

Top 5 Remote Backend Jobs this week

Here are the top 5 Backend Jobs you can apply to now.

👨‍💻 Apify
✍️ Junior or Mid-level Node.js Engineer
đź“ŤRemote, Full-time, Prague
đź’° Click on Apply for salary details
Click here to Apply for this role.

👨‍💻 Oddin.gg
✍️ Senior BE Developer (Golang)
đź“ŤRemote, Prague
đź’° Click on Apply for salary details
Click here to Apply for this role.

👨‍💻 Braiins
✍️ Python Software Engineer
đź’° Click on Apply for salary details
Click here to Apply for this role.

✍️ Backend Software Engineer - All Teams
đź“ŤRemote, Mexico
đź’° Click on Apply for salary details
Click here to Apply for this role.

Want more Remote Backend Jobs? Visit GetBackendJobs.com

Backend Engineering Resources

Whenever you're ready

There are 4 ways I can help you become a great backend engineer:

1. The MB Platform: Join 1000+ backend engineers learning backend engineering on the MB platform. Build real-world backend projects, track your learnings and set schedules, learn from expert-vetted courses and roadmaps, and solve backend engineering tasks, exercises, and challenges.

2. ​The MB Academy:​ The “MB Academy” is a 6-month intensive Advanced Backend Engineering BootCamp to produce great backend engineers.

3. Backend Engineering Courses: Access a catalog of backend courses, development courses, advanced backend engineering courses, nests courses, and backend web development courses. Next-level Backend Engineering courses and Exclusive resources.

4. GetBackendJobs: Access 1000+ tailored backend engineering jobs, manage and track all your job applications, create a job streak, and never miss applying. Lastly, you can hire backend engineers anywhere in the world.


How am I doing?

I love hearing from readers, and I'm always looking for feedback. How am I doing with The Backend Weekly? Is there anything you'd like to see more or less of? Which aspects of the newsletter do you enjoy the most?

Hit reply and say hello - I'd love to hear from you!

Stay awesome,

I moved my newsletter from Substack to Beehiiv, and it's been an amazing journey. Start yours here.


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